Saturday 28th March

Apparently it's going to get colder over the next day or two, this will slow down the growth of the pea crop. We were not too busy this week, completing drilling north of Boston and so we are waiting for these peas to grow before we start south of Boston. If it comes as cold as they say we shall not start again until mid-week.Whenever you open the papers there is always something about food, the long-term supply (sustainability), cost and health benefits. This week there was a report that "Peas can lower blood pressure as well as help those who have kidney disease". This is good I hear you say, but, on the flip side for those of us in the production of the crop, they can also raise the blood pressure when we are in the middle of our season! Seriously though, it is a good article and says that this is the first reporting that a natural food product can relieve symptons of kidney disease. You can find the article at and search peas.Anyway there is a lot to look foward to, spring arrives at the weekend with the clocks going on one hour, and the G20 hits town. So, by the end of next week all the worlds problems will be solved!


Saturday 4th April


Saturday 22nd March