Tuesday 27th July

A customer and retailer visit today. It is good that they can find time to visit the field and enable us to disscuss our operation and issues, and at the same time a chance for us to understand their ideas going forward, be it by innovation, or putting messages out to the consumers about what goes into producing peas ready for the table.

A slightly slower day harvesting today to allow the TRs to move up slightly. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow when we shall push to the end, finishing early next week. The late crops are proving difficult to harvest in places, lack of moisture has meant a shorter plant and we are having to go very low to the ground. In one field yesterday we even had to "fetch" the crop to get it all. I am leaving some peas in the field, but having got a comment about soil in the load this morning, we cannot go any lower.


Wednesday 28th July


Sunday 25th July